luni, 28 ianuarie 2019

Standard Catalog of Obsolete Bank Notes: Pennsylvania (Download)

The original Standard Catalog of United States Obsolete Bank Notes by James A. Haxby has been hard-to-find, until now. In addition to the complete volume being re-released in a 4-CD set, you can research just Pennsylvania obsolete bank notes with this downloadable pdf. Organized by bank name, the Standard Catalog of Obsolete Bank Notes: Pennsylvania download contains listings for obsolete bank notes issued between 1782 and 1866, by several regional banks/governmental agencies/merchants from across the state. Even though market activity has rendered many of the prices of this original work outdated, with this easy-to-search download you can: Review engraver imprint data, versions of the notes and issue dates of notes Enlarge pages, which include many seldom-seen note illustrations, by 400% for close-up inspection of details Explore details about related branch banks, and historical details about obsolete Discounted at only: US$ 22.99

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