marți, 26 februarie 2019

Dead Man Rockin' Costume for Boys, Black, Size L | California Costume Collection

Metal: A Lifestyle For all the talk of Metal music being overtaken by Pop-Punk and Indie--you know, the soft stuff--we see kids like yours and know that's just all talk. Of course, no one's accused Metal of falling by the wayside, but we were getting a little worried for it. For every face-melting guitar solo, we have two coffee shop-worthy tunes played on acoustic guitars by bands called, like, The Call Me Whatevers and The Throbbing Hearts. Metal's not dead, but we thought, you know, maybe it could be a little healthier, leaner, meaner--you know? You know. Your kid knows, at least. Because we see him eye-balling this Boys Dead Man Rockin' Costume, tapping his foot to the heaviest licks. While we're all fretting over what will happen to Metal, we see your little one eye balling the frets of his guitar, intent on being the savior we need but don't deserve. Our fears are a bit of an exaggeration, of course: the Metal is alive and well and loud as ever. But have you noticed anything abou Discounted at only: US$ 34.99

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