sâmbătă, 19 ianuarie 2019

Girl's Pleated Dress 11/2012

Girl's dress sewing pattern available for download. Available in various sizes. Sewn from a matelass ©, the smock has front pleats at the yoke, which give it lots of room for free movement. And the balloon style silhouette gives it a great look! Note: This is the same pattern PDF as the Girl's Sequined Dress:http://www.burdastyle.com/pattern_store/patterns/girls-sequined-dress-112012 This pattern is from the Nature's Child collection:http://www.burdastyle.com/blog/natures-child-9-new-girls-patterns?utm_source=burdastyle&utm_medium=patternstore&utm_campaign=bsmhpattern110613-natureschild Discounted at only: US$ 5.99

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